美国时间8月26至28日联合国第68届非政府组织大会(The 68th UN Civil Society Conference)在美国犹他州盐湖城举行。



此次大会主题为:「建立包容性的可持续发展城市与社区」(Building Inclusive and Sustainable Cities and Communities)。










1. 开幕式和闭幕式全体会议

2. 圆桌会议: 和不同领域的专家交流意见和经验

3. 非政府组织研讨会: 和来自世界各地的非政府组织同事进行业务交流

4. 展会:向与会者展示非政府组织的工作,分享工作成果

5. 青年活动: 在不同年龄层之间建立合作伙伴关系

6. 建立交际网络: 和世界各地有共同兴趣和目标的非政府组织朋友建立交际网络

7. 其他主题活动: 参加会议安排的和会议主题相关的各种活动。






向凌云 博士、教授是著名的旅美经济学家、北大博雅特聘教授、世界卓越华人、金融行业最佳领袖人物、著名投资人、高级金融风险管控顾问、中国管理科学研究院学术委员会特邀研究员、中国管理科学研究院企业管理创新研究所学术委员、中国管理科学研究院新兴经济产业研究所区块链研究中心副主任、中国企业家创新智库首席专家、北大博雅·元培商学院智库专家、亚洲区块链产业研究院研究员、亚洲区块链学会首席研究员、斯坦福大学工程学院系统优化实验室与中美硅谷发展促进会中国企业系统优化研发中心研究员、美国国际专业管理机构专业教师审核委员会企业管理学教授。




2014年获美国国家投资贸易委员会颁发在中美投资贸易领域做出杰出贡献的“杰出成就奖”; 2014年6月28日获美国国际文化交流基金会、 世界华人企业家协会联合授予“世界卓越华人金像奖”; 2014年获中国国际金融品牌创新峰会授予“2014年中国金融行业最佳领袖人物”、“金鼎奖”、2017年12月获中国管理科学研究院学术委员会授予“2017年度金融行业卓越人物”、2018(第二届)中国经济峰会授予“中国经济十大杰出人物”、2018年6月2日获第九届中国管理创新大会授予“管理科学·互联网金融行业杰出人物”、2018年7月22日获第三届中国经济与品牌创新峰会授予“2018中国金融行业十大杰出人才”、2018年9月8日获2018中国新经济产业领袖峰会暨区块链技术与发展论坛授予“2018中国区块链行业十大领军人物”、2019年7月6日获中国新商业领导力峰会授予2019创新中国·年度经济学家等诸多奖项与荣誉。


Lingyun Xiang, PhD

Dr. Lingyun Xiang is a famous economist, Distinguished Professor of the Boya Organization of Peking University, World Most Distinguished Chinese, Excellent Leader in the Financial Industry, and a well-known investor. He is a senior financial risk management consultant, an invited researcher at the Academic Committee of the China Academy of Management Sciences, Academic member of the China Academy of Management Science Companies Administration Innovation Institution, Deputy Director of the Blockchain Research Center of the Institute of Emerging Economic Industries of the Chinese Academy of Management Sciences, Chief Expert of the Chinese Entrepreneur Innovation Think Tank, Think Tank Specialist of The Boya Organization of Peking University Yuanpei Business School, Researcher of the Asian Blockchain Industry Research Institute, Chief Researcher of Asian Blockchain Society, Researcher at System Optimization Lab of Stanford University Dept of Management Science and Researcher of China Enterprise System Optimization R&D Center of China-US Silicon Valley Development Promotion Association, Professor of Enterprise Management of the Professional Audit Committee of American International Professional Management Organization, and Distinguished Professor of Guanghua Law School of Zhejiang University.


Xiang is a Special Adviser to the United Nations Scientific and Technical Organization, Chairman of the International Economic Promotion Association, Chairman of the Blockchain Alliance, Honorary Chairman of the ASEAN Capital Construction Alliance, Honorary Advisor of the Chinese American Federation, Consultant of the Intelligent Education Research Department of the Doctoral Think Tank Research Institute, Honorary Chairman of the Financial and Trade Enterprise of Guizhou Province, Consultant of Guizhou Green Ecology Development Promotion Association, and Economic Consultant of Danzhai County Government, etc.

He has extensive experience in business model design and compliance in the emerging industry finance and is familiar with the multinational legal status quo and policy environment. He is also proficient in international law, civil law, economic law, partnership law, tax law, and securities law. He has awarded by authoritative organizations many times.

He is the author of The Logic of Blockchain, Equity Incentives and Practice, Private Equity Investment Solutions, Decisive Winning Financing - SME Financing and Growth, Global Visual Economics, Industrial Economy Studies, International Trade and Economic Management, Logistics Warehousing Management and E-Commerce, Investment Risk and Operation Management and many other books published at home and abroad. He also owns a number of inventions with national patents.

In 2014, he was awarded the “Outstanding Achievement Award” by the US National Investment and Trade Commission for outstanding contributions in the field of investment and trade between China and the United States. On June 28, 2014, he was awarded the “World Most Distinguished Chinese Award” by the American International Cultural Exchange Foundation and the World Chinese Entrepreneurs Association. “2014 China Financial Industry Best Leader” and “Golden Tripod Awards” were awarded in 2014 by the China International Financial Brand Innovation Summit. In December 2017, the Chinese Academy of Management Science Academic Committee awarded him with “2017 Financial Excellent Inpidual in the industry”, In 2018, the Second China Economic Summit awarded him “Top 10 Outstanding Inpiduals in China's Economy”. On June 2, 2018, the 9th China Management Innovation Conference awarded him “Outstanding Inpidual in Management Science · Internet Financial Industry”; On July 22, 2018, the 3rd China Economic and Brand Innovation Summit was awarded “2018 Top 10 Outstanding Talents in China's Financial Industry”; On September 8, 2018, at the New Economy Industry Leaders Summit and Blockchain Technology & Development Forum, he was awarded “Top 10 Leaders in 2018 China Blockchain Industry”, On July 6, 2019, at the China New Business Leadership Summit, he was awarded the “2019 Demo China · Annual Economist” etc.