Author: Johnny Yan, Senior Researcher of The Senstrat,

WAKi International Media Center (2023/05/25)

Two recent articles in the US media were eye-catching which involved FBI incidents, thus the future of this powerful intelligence and security agency might be affected by its latest developments.

Coincidentally, both articles quoted the senior FBI agents, some of whom have served the agency for more than 20 years.



One of the articles entitled "EXCLUSIVE: It's Time to Clean House" (The Daily Caller), the other was "A Dozen Former FBI Agents Break Silence"(The Daily Wire), both touched upon the latest happenings of the FBI.

One of the former senior agents pointed out, “we agree privately and uniformly that [the] FBI is heading in the wrong direction and has been too entrenched with partisan politics”; the article mentioned that started from the 7th Director James Comey and was intensified under the present Director Christopher Wray.



The retired agents served in the FBI for more than 20 years and chose to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation. They described themselves as a group of FBI veterans who “love the bureau and worry about its growing role in partisan politics”.

To further exemplify the FBI’s politicization, the article quoted Chuck Grassle’s remark that ‘The FBI Needs To Come Clean About Evidence Of Biden’s ‘Possible Criminal Activity’.

The article quoted Nicole Parker, who claimed that ‘The FBI became politically weaponized, starting from the top in Washington trickling down to the field offices, illustrated by inflating domestic violent extremism statistics, directing big tech companies to censor Americans, conducting an unprecedented raid on President Trump’s home while suppressing key details related to the Hunter Biden probe as ‘disinformation’ and so on. We have observed first hand that too many FBI current agents are suffering low morale and too many Americans have lost trust in FBI.”

Parker, an FBI Special Agent from 2010 until October 2022, shared her resignation letter with Fox News in January and testified before the House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government in February.

The agents celebrated Parker’s resignation from the FBI and the courage of FBI whistle blowers Steve Friend, George Hill, Garret O’Boyle and Kyle Seraphin. Friend, Hill and O’Boyle have also spoken to the Weaponization Subcommittee, per The Hill. Friend is a former special agent for the FBI’s Daytona Beach Resident Agency and works as a Fellow for the conservative Center for Renewing America. Hill is a retired FBI Supervisory Intelligence Analyst from the FBI’s Boston Field Office and O’Boyle is a suspended FBI Special Agent from the Wichita Resident Agency in Kansas.

The group of former FBI agents is calling for the agency to be investigated in order to restore public trust in the bureau. “It is no exaggeration to say that [the] FBI has no longer functioned as an apolitical agency, an agency with no bias. The top two floors of the Hoover building are filled with self-served and greedy bureaucrats, not doers, just talkers. It’s time to clean house, restore public trust and start over. A thorough investigation is justified. Creating a select subcommittee and opening up investigation is a step in the right direction. More FBI agents need to come forward, tell the truth and uncover the extent of the FBI’s weaponization. Change only happens when we fight for it. I believe deeply that we need a reformed FBI. To address and fix the problems, we should first identify the problems.”



The other article by The Daily Wire entitled “A Dozen Former FBI Agents Break Silence On The State Of The Bureau”, quoted 12 retired seniors FBI agents and suggested that entrenched partisan politics have set the federal agency on a path headed toward destruction.

Requesting anonymity and pleading for America to hear their voices about the alleged weaponization of the FBI, those agents said they witnessed low morale among current agents, partly due to Americans distrusting the bureau.

The article quoted recent polls that support that assessment, showing roughly half of the Americans — specifically Republicans or political independents — were losing trust in the 114-year-old federal institution.

It was reported that the antipathy from former and current FBI agents has grown in recent years after a number of controversies have been exposed within the FBI. The federal agency faced heavy criticism following numerous investigations with questionable motives since 2015 when former director Comey injected himself into the 2016 presidential race between former President Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

In the years that followed, Americans watched the national law enforcement agents allegedly involve themselves in political protests from George Floyd demonstrations to January 6, inflate domestic violent extremism statistics, and direct big tech companies via the Twitter Files to censor Americans.