
Zhejiang Province launched Zhejiang International Media Convergence Campaign on Tuesday (July 20) in Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist of China with a focus on telling the stories of CPC and China to the outside world. The launching ceremony was held in the province’s Jiaxing City, whose Nanhu Lake is famous for the Red Boat on board which the first CPC national congress was concluded. About 200 media representatives, foreign guests and key opinion leaders attended the ceremony. More 20 media organizations from Italy, France, Russia, Canada and many other foreign countries sent in their congratulations. The international communication program is jointly launched by the Information Office of Zhejiang Provincial Government, Zhejiang Provincial Radio and Television Administration, Zhejiang Radio & TV Group, and the Information Office of Jiaxing Municipal Government. The organizers for the program’s activities are the Zhejiang International Channel (ZTV-World) and Jiaxing Radio & TV Group.

系列活动包括“五彩嘉兴 美好生活”浙江省对外传播易地采访、第二届“美丽浙江”国际短视频大赛、“我在浙江”百名外国友人看浙江等活动,旨在讲好中国故事,传播好中国声音,展示真实、立体、全面的中国。

The program’s activities include the Second Global Short Video Contest under the title of "@Beautiful Zhejiang", and a series of documentaries titled “I’m in Zhejiang” in which 100 people tell about their impressions of Zhejiang.

嘉兴是红船起航地,也是红船精神的凝练升华地。系列活动中的浙江省对外传播易地采访活动以“五彩嘉兴 美好生活”为主题,来自中央广播电视总台、浙江国际频道等11个城市台共18家电视机构将用一周时间聚焦嘉兴,从不同角度讲好嘉兴故事,让观众在红船起航地看到中国美好的未来。

In another activity of the program, 18 non-local media organizations will conduct a one-week-long intensive coverage of Jiaxing City, so as to tell the story about the revolutionary landmark city from different perspectives. These 18 media organizations include China Media Group, Zhejiang International Channel (ZTV-World) and so on. Through these activities, the program aims to integrate resources to forge a media cluster with global influence and to present a true, multi-dimensional and panoramic view of China by telling China's stories and letting China's voice be heard in the international arena.


The second "@Beautiful Zhejiang" Global Short Video Contest has started. With the theme of "Beautiful Zhejiang", it consists of two topics, "100 Years of Zhejiang in my eyes " and "The Most Beautiful Foreign Experiencers". The call for original short videos within 5 minutes is now open.

启动仪式宣布成立“重要窗口”国际传播联盟,建设全球主流媒体协作网,加强媒体业务往来与人文交流,沟通信息、增进感情,构建互联互通、互利共赢的全媒化国际融合传播共同体。通过云签约方式与联盟成员美国哥伦比亚广播公司CBS KCFJ570AM、法国IDF1电视台、韩国SBS电视台、克罗地亚OTV、刚果(布)国家电视台等5家电视机构签署了《良渚》纪录片境外播出框架性协议,纪录片经本土化译配后,将在上述5家电视机构播出,向海外观众介绍源远流长、灿烂辉煌的良渚文明。

The launching ceremony also witnessed the establishment of an international communication alliance for China’s “Important Window”, which refers to Zhejiang Province that has been designated to showcase the achievements China has made under the CPC leadership. The alliance aims to build a collaborative network of mainstream media organizations over the world, enhance business contacts and people-to-people exchanges, and create an interconnected all-media international communication community. The alliance’s international members now include CBS KCFJ570AM in the USA, IDF1 TV Station in France, SBS TV Station in the Republic of Korea, OTV in Croatia, and the national TV station of the Republic of the Congo. The international channel of Zhejiang TV Station, or ZTV World, has signed a framework agreement with these five members for overseas broadcast of its documentary titled Liangzhu, which is the site of an ancient civilization located in Hangzhou, capital of Zhejiang Province. According to the agreement, the documentary will be broadcast on these five media platforms in their local languages to offer the global audience a view of the splendid Liangzhu Culture, which dates back about 5000 years ago.