
What isLa Biennale di Venezia?

全球第一个双年展“双年展之母西方艺术的风向标首届威尼斯双年展举行于 1895 年,自 1907年起,随着威尼斯双年展从全国艺术双年展扩大为国际艺术双年展,至今已成了历史最悠久的当代艺术和值得关注的建筑设计大展 (奇数年为艺术双年展,在偶数年为建筑双年)。




自幼练习书法和绘画,退休后专攻书法,结业于中国书协培训中心,主攻楷书和草书。作品参加过韩国等五国巡展,应邀参加美国瑪雅艺术节并获奖,入编《新中国当代美术家书法家大辞典》《纪念建国七十周年百名中华艺术家优秀作品献礼集》《共和国七十周年诗词优秀作品集》《爱国功勋艺术家精品集》《中国影响力人物一孙晓云 马英杰名家作品集》《名人汇—中国文艺界领軍人物》《中国最具学术价值的百位书画名家典藏》《百年大家》《世界名人录》《奋进新时代.2023年最具投资价值的十大艺术名家》等。被评为“2021.全国艺术楷模”“2022年重点推荐【中国艺术大家】”和“时代楷模--笔尖下的中国”“联合国重点推荐艺术名家”“2023年度百位影响力艺术巅峰人物”“中国文化品牌人物”。中国文联授予《艺术传承人物》《中国书画艺术家百佳》称号,并颁发《中国书画终身成就奖》,入编中国首个网络《名人辞典》。2022年以“国际艺术名家”身份入驻央广国际文化交流艺术委员会。


Ma Yingjie, male, born in 1942, from Lulong, Hebei Province. Graduated from college in 1966. He worked in the county for 11 and a half years, 11 and a half years in the province, and 11 and a half years in colleges and universities in the province, and retired as the former vice president and professor of Hebei Normal University. During his work, he was rated as a young and middle-aged expert with outstanding contributions in Hebei Province.

I have practiced calligraphy and painting since I was a child. After retirement, I specialized in calligraphy. I graduated from the China Calligraphy Association Training Center, specializing in regular script and cursive calligraphy. His works have participated in the tour exhibitions of five countries, including South Korea, were invited to participate in the Mayan Art Festival in the United States and won awards, and have been included in the Dictionary of Calligraphers of Contemporary Artists in New China, Collection of Excellent Works of Hundreds of Chinese Artists to Commemorate the Seventieth Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic, Collection of Excellent Works of Poetry for the Seventieth Anniversary of the Republic, Collection of Patriotic Meritorious Artists, Collection of Works by Sun Xiaoyun, Ma Yingjie, Collection of Famous Chinese Influential Figures, Collection of Celebrities - Leading Figures in China's Literature and Art Circles, Collection of Hundreds of Hundreds of Calligraphy and Painting Masters of Most Academic Value in China, Hundred Years", "One Hundred Years", "World's Who, Rated 2021. National Art Models "2022 Key Recommendation [Chinese Art Masters]" and "Models of the Times--China on the Tip of the Pen", "United Nations Key Recommended Art Masters", "100 Influential Art Peak Figures in 2023" and "Chinese Cultural Brand Figures". The China Federation of Literary and Art awarded the titles of "Art Inheritance Characters" and "Top 100 Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Artists", and awarded the "Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Lifetime Achievement Award", which was included in China's first online Celebrity Dictionary. In 2022, he joined the CCTV International Cultural Exchange Art Committee as an "International Artist".

He is now a national first-class artist, the first batch of intangible cultural heritage innovation talents in China, vice chairman of CCTV Culture and Tourism, vice chairman of the CCTV International Cultural Exchange Art Committee, art consultant of the Central Media Culture Organizing Committee, vice president of Beijing Century Dacai Style Calligraphy and Painting Academy, artistic director of China Satellite TV Art Style Column, first batch of researchers of the Boao Asian Art Talent Research Center, academician of the China Enterprise Newspaper League Academy of Information Sciences, director of the Chinese Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, national staff art training expert, member of the New Literature and Art Group Working Committee of the China Calligraphy and Painters Association, member of the Calligraphy Art Research Association of the China Federation Society, member of the International Exchange Working Committee of the China Service Trade Association, member of the China Elderly Calligraphy and Painting Research Association, member of Hebei Calligraphy Association, vice chairman of





Ma Yingjie Art


Ma Yingjie Art


Ma Yingjie Art


Ma Yingjie Art


Ma Yingjie Art


Ma Yingjie Art


Ma Yingjie Art


Ma Yingjie Art


Ma Yingjie Art


Ma Yingjie Art